Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One, Two, Three, and Action!

About a one week still to go. My last class here is going to be on next week Wednesday. It is crazy how fast the time has gone and it does not help that this week is going to be the busiest one because it is so many things to be submitted before the last class. I am working with a group report where all group members need to analyze a one organisation and then we need to compare them as a group and make some conclusions and recommendations. The other main thing I have been working with is my Video Pitch and I also should be preparing for my three final exams.

When I started that Channel & Internet Marketing course, and when I first time heard that we need to make a video pitch about ourselves and who we are, I was terrified. How to do it? When it must to be done? What Kind of video should I do? On my mind I pushed the idea of making video away because I knew that the deadline for it is going to be on the end of the course. And here we are. Only one week left and believe or not I am really excited about this video project. It is too many ideas on my mind but I have picked the most creative one which actually tells who I really am. And the best thing is that what would be a better way to stand out of the mass than adding my video pitch link to my placement applications? Picture tells more than thousands words. Making the video is also so much fun and it gives the opportunity to be creative and it actually brings your personality to everyone’s attention, meaning that my CV and Covering letters are now on going to have a real personality, not just words after words.

I also must to mention something about last Friday. We had a really bad snow storm here on that day. All the classes were cancelled and our semi-formal Masquerade event was also postponed for the following day. For that event I and two of my friends were actually making the masks by ourselves. It was a really good fun. The event itself was amazing and everyone seemed to enjoy it. We started by having a lovely three course dinner (the salmon was so tasty) and after that there were couple French songs (the French society organized it) and of course “thank you” speeches and some music with DJ. It was a really memorable night and it looks like our exchange students really make the party!    

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